(479) 502-0815 | info@trojansecurities.com
E-Learning Surveillance Detection
Trojan Securities advanced surveillance, intelligence gathering & counter surveillance operations course, designed for operating in hostile environments.
The course is designed at conducting surveillance, intelligence and counter surveillance operations in hostile environments, with an emphasis on successfully detecting hostile or third party activities. The training course will cover the basics then move onto the intermediate and advanced areas of surveillance, intelligence gathering and covert surveillance techniques.
Surveillance observation & awareness
Surveillance definitions & objectives
Surveillance techniques
Threat assessments, threat analysis & target identification process
Intelligence gathering & surveillance detection
Terrorist & hostile surveillance techniques
Surveillance operations planning & management
Counter surveillance & intelligence techniques
Personal security & kidnap awareness
During the training course students will be made aware of the methods of operation used by various terrorists criminal groups and how to detect and defeat these said measures. All the core skills are then put into practice by carrying out supervised surveillance and intelligence exercises, with an emphasis on successfully detecting criminal and terrorist hostile activities.
Basic Surveillance Overview
Introduction of surveillance and intelligence gathering operations
General Surveillance awareness
Roles and responsibilities of surveillance operators
Types of surveillance (static, mobile foot, mobile vehicle)
Surveillance techniques (mobile foot & mobile vehicle)
Communications while working surveillance operations
Intermediate/ Advanced Overview
Setting up a surveillance and intelligence operations room
Close target reconnaissance (CTR)
Surveillance detection
Surveillance teams (multiple teams)
Terrorist & hostile surveillance
Night surveillance operations
Anti-surveillance techniques
Counter surveillance techniques
How to conduct anti surveillance techniques
Anti-surveillance operations using skills taught
Counter Surveillance
How to conduct a counter surveillance operation
Counter surveillance exercise using all skills taught
Personal Security
The personal security phase is designed to teach the student preventative measures to be used in everyday life to safeguard against becoming a potential target.
Situation awareness
Kidnap awareness & situations
Security procedures (home, office & traveling)
Reaction to possible threats
Dealing with confrontations
The cost for the internationally recognized Security Specialist and Security Risk Management is $425. We require a completed application form, identification and payment. We will send the training manuals and exam, which will be graded. The official certification will be processed, electronic and hard copy of the qualifications.
Like the other E-Learning qualifications/ certifications, the cost of the tuition will be taken away if you come and go through a practical training course of the same classification.