(479) 502-0815 | info@trojansecurities.com
California Advanced High Threat Protection & Security Management (Hostile Environments)
The Advanced High Threat Protection (AHTP) Course, covering Diplomatic Security developed for domestic and hostile environments. The course is very comprehensive and innovative, covering the most current up to date training and operational Diplomatic Security techniques.
This 5 day course is a well rounded package which contains all the relevant areas to the high level security industry, we start off with the basics then move forward quite fast, there is a lot of information to learn on the course. We have a practical approach to training, some classroom but most of the time its practical hands on training.
Trojan Securities are innovators and know that training techniques are ever-changing; our training courses are under continual development and advancement. We are dedicated to providing the most current up to date and effective training techniques - Directive Staff Trojan Securities.
Training Overview
Basic & advanced executive/ close protection (roles & responsibilities)
Advanced executive/ close protection foot techniques & vehicle formations
Close protection & security operational planning
Threat assessments & risk analysis
Risk Management, conflict resolution & security polices
Site surveys, security advances & route reconnaissance
Close quarters combat (CQC) & defensive shooting skills
Interpersonal skills & conflict management (realistic incidents)
Physical intervention skills & crisis management
Advanced counter actions (team formations & vehicle movements)
Advanced weapons training (pistols, carbines, rifles & shotguns)
Protective services/ security detail (HTP) attack on client & evacuation live fire situations
Security convoy (HTP), single & multiple ambush live fire situations
Weapons familiarization (pistols, rifles & shotguns)
Anti-Kidnap techniques & security awareness for hostile environments
Force on force (SIMUNITION®) realistic high risk security scenarios
Protective surveillance (protective security operation
SIMUNTION® is a registered trademark of General Dynamics Ordnance & Tactical Systems-Canada Inc.
The course will be held at the Folsom Shooting Facility.
Folsom Shooting Club,
15501 Meiss Road
P.O. Box 1407
Sloughhouse, CA 95683