(479) 502-0815 | info@trojansecurities.com
The Advanced Combined Close Protection (PSD) & Security Management 7 Day Course, covering diplomatic security and worldwide protection services, developed for hostile environments. The course is very comprehensive and innovative, covering the most current up to date training and operational executive protection and diplomatic security techniques.
Close Protection (PSD)
Executive Protection
Security Driving
Counter Terrorism
Hostage Rescue
Surveillance & Intelligence
Training Certifications
Trojan Securities International & Trojan International Defense Group
NRA certification available (additional fee for NRA training & certification)
NRA Training & Certifications Available
NRA pistol
NRA rifle
NRA shotgun
NRA personal protection in the home
NRA personal protection outside the home (basic & advanced shooting/ tactics)
NRA advanced defensive pistol
Advanced High Threat Close / Executive Protection (PSD) Hostile Environments
Basic & advanced executive/ close protection (roles & responsibilities)
Advanced executive/ close protection foot techniques & vehicle formations
Close protection & security operational planning
Site surveys, security advances & route reconnaissance
Close quarters combat (CQC) & defensive shooting skills
Interpersonal skills & conflict management (realistic incidents)
Advanced counter actions (team formations & vehicle movements)
Advanced weapons training (pistols, carbines, rifles & shotguns)
Protective services/ security detail attack on client & evacuation live fire situations
Security convoy, single & multiple ambush live fire situations
Weapons familiarization (pistols, rifles & shotguns)
Anti-Kidnap techniques & security awareness for hostile environments
Realistic high risk security scenarios
Protective surveillance (protective security operations)
Conflict Management & Resolution
The conflict resolution training module was designed and developed for our close protection/ protective services training course. The conflict module is an updated training certification which is awarded with the PSD course qualification. Covering the required learning, related with conflict, types of conflict, causes of conflict, stages of conflict and preventing conflict.
Close Protection Officer/ Bodyguard (Protocol)
Roles & responsibilities
Personal Security
Security & risk awareness
Strategies for personal safety
Self-defense & the law
The legal aftermath of a deadly force shooting
Team Walking Formations
Observation skills & situation awareness techniques
Necessary footwork for individual and team positions
Arcs of responsibility and tasks for each member of the team, 1,2,3,4,5 operators
Client control and counter action drills, for 1,2,3,4,5 person teams
Walking drills, low & high profile operations
Satellite security operators (roles & responsibilities) high & low profile operations
Protective surveillance operators (high & low profile operations)
Weapons Handling (Pistol, Rifle & Shotguns)
Pistol, rifle & shotgun fundamentals (stance, grip, sight alignment, trigger)
Holster selection & concealment (pistol)
Different carrying options, slings (rifle & shotgun)
Pistol holster drills (mechanics of drawing & using a pistol)
Different firing positions & multiple threats/ directions
Drawing or using your weapons in difficult scenarios & situations
Vehicle Formations
Vehicle selection, 1, 2 & 3 vehicle convoy positions
Overview covering both high risk and low risk operations
Seating arrangements for client and team members
Embus and debus of vehicles with the client or clients
Differences between soft and armored vehicles
Overview vehicle counter actions on attack
Threat Assessment/ Site Surveys
How to conduct a threat assessment & risk analysis
Security site surveys (assessment, solutions & presentation)
Risk Management & Conflict Resolution
Risk assessments & analysis
Risk assessment reports
Conflict awareness & resolution
Security & risk policy (developing security polices)
Security Advances
Security advance procedures
Restaurant surveys, hotel surveys, building surveys
Route Reconnaissance
Travel security
Route selection and reconnaissance reports
Suspect Searching Techniques
Wall & ground searching techniques
Controlling multiple individuals/ suspects
Improvised Explosive Devices
Vehicle searches for explosives
Building searches for explosives
Isolation Techniques (Force on Force)
Individual force on force isolation reaction drills
Single & multiple realistic scenarios
Close Protection Team Counter Actions
Walking formations, single attack
Walking formations, multiple attack
Formations with satellite operators, single & multiple attacks
Vehicle Counter Actions
Front vehicle attack, client transfer drills
Left and right vehicle attacks, client transfer drills
Vehicle attack, fire/ move leaving vehicles, secure location
Team Evacuation Actions
Full counter actions, client movement, evaluation drills (single & multiple threats/ directions)
Full vehicle and walking formations counter actions
Weapons Disarming Techniques
Disarming training designed for individuals and security teams
Realistic tried and tested techniques
Executive Close/ Protection Security Driving
Driving basics
Security driving
Vehicle formations
Firearms Training
Weapons safety & fundamentals
Operating functions of the pistol, rifle & shotgun
In depth working knowledge (disassembly & reassembly)
Basics of shooting (grip, stance, shooting mechanics)
Weapons handling & basic shooting techniques (different positions & different directions)
Reloading & stoppages (basic and under stress)
Advanced shooting, multiple threats & different directions
Shooting while moving & using available cover
Magazine changes & stoppages on the move, under stress
Low light & limited viability shooting techniques
Use of deadly force & threat/ risk analysis
In depth cleaning & maintenance
Advanced Firearms Training
Advanced shooting, multiple threats & different directions (pistols & rifles)
Shooting techniques pistols & rifles using barricades (different forms of cover)
Shooting while moving & using available cover
Magazine changes & stoppages on the move, under stress
Problem solving under stressful situations (weapons malfunctions)
Movement drills, operating in pairs, multi directional, multiple threats
Advanced Firearms (Vehicles & Security Convoy Anti Ambush)
Firearms selection and storage (pistols, rifles & shotguns)
Using weapons in & around vehicles
Shooting techniques from a vehicle (driver, passenger & rear seated positions)
Shooting from vehicles multiple targets under stressful situations
Shooting through vehicle windows (different calibers)
Vehicle live fire contact drills, multi directional (anti ambush, client transfer)
Advanced Firearms (Team Evacuation Counter Actions)
Counter actions, client movement, evaluation drills (multiple threats)
Team evacuation and support team elements
Deadly Force & the Law
Self-defense & the law
The legal aftermath of a deadly force shooting
Kidnap Awareness
Kidnapping methods (opportunist & planned attacks)
Advanced Counter Terrorism & Hostage Rescue
Personal security & risk awareness
Kidnap situations (avoidance & confrontations)
Movement shooting techniques, single & multiple threats
Advanced stoppages & malfunctions, solutions under stress
Advanced close quarters combat (CQC) (advanced problem solving)
Advanced defensive shooting tactics & techniques
Tactical movement shooting techniques, intermediate & advanced
Surveillance & close target reconnaissance (CTR)
Searching techniques & multiple target control/ retention
Advanced CQC small teams
Advanced room & building clearing, small teams & multi teams (pistol, rifle & shotgun)
Using weapons around & inside vehicles (close quarters)
Advanced vehicle anti-ambush live fire techniques (individual & small teams)
Pistol & rifle transition techniques (shooting range & building/ rooms)
Foreign & specialist unique weapons systems familiarization
Familiarization with fully automatic & suppressed rifles/ carbine
Security Driving & Vehicle Anti-Ambush
Driving Basics
Security Driving
Vehicle Formations
Security Driving Anti Ambush Techniques (Low Risk)
Security Driving Anti Ambush Techniques (High Risk)
Live Fire Vehicle Drills
Advanced Surveillance & Intelligence Operations
Surveillance observation & awareness
Surveillance definitions & objectives
Surveillance techniques (static, mobile foot & mobile vehicles)
Threat assessments, threat analysis & target identification process
Intelligence gathering & surveillance detection
Terrorist & hostile surveillance techniques
Surveillance operations planning & management
Counter surveillance & intelligence techniques
Personal security & kidnap awareness
Trojan Securities have an optional covert weapons module which is the next level regards hostile surveillance incorporating live firearms into training course, with realistic exercises. The covert weapons module is added to the original syllabus, optional point of interest.
Weapons involved with covert surveillance & intelligence operations
Different techniques for carrying & deploying firearms
Live fire weapons (on foot covert techniques)
Live fire weapons training (in & from vehicles)