(479) 502-0815 | info@trojansecurities.com
Training Courses
Trojan Securities & Trojan Defense are innovators and know that training techniques are ever-changing; our training courses are under continual development and advancement. We are dedicated to providing the most current up to date and effective training techniques - Directive Staff Trojan Securities.
Trojan Securities, Trojan Defense and Trojan Shooting Club distinguishes itself by recruiting highly motivated and professional personnel, drawn from various international military, special operations, law enforcement and commercial agencies. These personnel have a wealth of exceptional worldwide experience and are renowned for dealing with high-risk situations and complex operations.
Being a global group of companies we have an experienced management team, qualified training instructors and international specialist support staff. United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Italy, Holland, Germany, Israel & Poland.
Tactical Advanced Firearms | 1 OR 2 days | Follow
Combine Private Security, Close Protection and Security Management | 7 Days | Follow
Lone Operator and Counter Terrorism | 4 Days | Follow
Surveillance and Intelligence Operations | 4 Days | Follow
Private Group Training and Civilian Classes | Follow
Armorers Training Classes | Follow
National Rifle Association (NRA) Certification Courses | Follow
E-Learning Close/ Executive Protection Certification | Follow
E-Learning Surveillance and Intelligence Certification | Follow
E-Learning Counter Terrorism Certification | Follow